Training delivered provides me with the skills I need to support people well
What did you enjoy during your training?
Are there any training courses that aren't being offered/ delivered that would benefit you and the people you support?
Training is interactive and inclusive
Shadow shifts were long enough to provide me with the knowledge required
There are opportunities to learn and develop with iDirect?
There is enough information in the care and support plans to allow you to support each person appropriately
What do you like about the support plans?
Do you think there are any improvements we can make?
I am given opportunity for supervisions
Communication is effective within iDirect
My manager is approachable and listens
Concerns I raise are addressed quickly
Office staff are friendly and approachable
My rota is published in good time
Teams that I work in work well together
What do the teams you work in do well?
What could your team do better?
Teams that I work in are caring
People we support are safe
People we support are involved in their care and support
I am proud to tell others that I work at iDirect
Please tell us what you feel iDirect could do better
Please tell us what iDirect do well
Would you like a manager or member of the office staff to call you to arrange a meeting to discuss your comments
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